
IgnitedED | Army Credentialing Assistance(CA)

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Army Credentialing Assistance (CA) Prepares you for Your Future Now!

Army Credentialing Assistance (CA) helps Soldiers attain industry recognized credentials. CA enhances career progression, and provides Soldiers with skills and capabilities reflective of civilian qualifications.

ARMY IgnitedED Benefits

  • ARMY IgnitedED provides a one-stop for qualifying soldiers to explore credentials recognized by the civilian community that can the soldiers current performance in their Army job as well help prepare for civilian employment
  • ARMY IgnitedED is a tuition program that pays up to $4000.00 for training for all qualifying US Army soldiers
  • Use your ARMY IgnitedED funding to purchase expert Cybersecurity, IT and Professional Development training from Phoenix TS!
  • PhoenixTS will accept all ARMY IgnitedED registrations.

Contact a Phoenix TS ARMY IgnitedED Credentialing Specialist today!

We are here to answer any questions you may have and assist you in enrolling in training using your ARMY IgnitedED funding. Just complete the form to the right along with your comments or call our team @ 240-667-7757.

Who Can Participate

Eligible Soldiers from Regular Army, Army National Guard, United States Army Reserve Officers, Warrant Officers, Noncommissioned Officers, and Enlisted.

ARMY IgnitedED serves a variety of audiences, including:

• Soldiers who want to find out what civilian credentials apply to their MOS and how to obtain the
• Education, Career/Retention and Transition Counselors who provide guidance on educational,
professional growth, and career opportunities and requirements.
• Army Recruiters who want to demonstrate to potential recruits the opportunities for professional
growth and civilian career preparation provided in the Army.
• Employers and Credentialing Boards interested in learning about how military training and experience
prepares Soldiers for civilian credentials and jobs.

I’m Active Duty and not separating any time soon: what’s out there for me?

The Army certainly thinks you’d benefit from having civilian credentials – that’s what IgnitedED is all about! The Army supports civilian credentialing for active duty members because it improves the professionalism of Soldiers. In fact, if a credential is related to your duties, the Army may award promotion points for earning it.

By using IgnitedED, you can increase your effectiveness as a Soldier and improve your chances for promotion while on active duty, and at the same time better prepare yourself for civilian employment when you do get out.

I have a little time left before I leave the Army…what should I do about credentialing?

It is a good idea to identify what credentials you need as soon as possible before transitioning, because obtaining a credential may take some time. Ideally, you’d have your credentials in hand by the time you leave the service.

In deciding if you want or need a civilian credential when you transition out, it might help to consider the following five basic scenarios:

    1. The civilian equivalent of your Army Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) does not require a license or certification.

You do not necessarily need to pursue credentialing, but having a credential may still give you an advantage.

    1. Your military training and experience provides all of the necessary credentials to practice the occupation as a civilian.

For example, the Army requires 68W – Health Care Specialists to obtain Emergency Medical Technician certification from the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technician. In this case, you should be good to go – of course, there may be additional credentials that give you added advantage.

    1. Your military training and experience provide certification in the field, but not a license.Your transition to the civilian workforce may be relatively seamless because certification and licensure requirements are often similar. However, you may still need to obtain a license from the appropriate government agency.
    2. Your military career provides education, training, or experience necessary to become licensed or certified, but not the formal license or certification from the credentialing board.

You may have to follow an administrative process that typically requires completing an application, documenting military training and experience, and possibly taking an exam.

    1. Your military education, training, or experience may need supplementation to meet licensure and certification requirements.

If you are in this situation you may experience a period of unemployment or underemployment until you are able to meet the requirements. See the COOL Costs and Funding page to learn about available resources.

What Can The CA Program Fund and Where Do I Begin?

CA may fund training, books, mandatory fees, exams, and recertification. Soldiers can view information on the CA program at ARMY COOL Website and click on the Credentialing Assistance link, or visit your local Education Center or Office.

How do I Request Funding to Obtain a Credential?

Visit the ARMY COOL website where you will be able to research your credentials of interest and then submit a funding request to your direct supervisor who can determine if you qualify for funding.

Contact a Phoenix TS ARMY COOL Specialist today

We are here to answer any questions you may have and assist you in enrolling in training using your ARMY COOL funding. Just complete the form to the right along with your comments or call our team @ 240-667-7757.


Note: Any Army COOL and Army Credentialing Assistance information present on Phoenix TS’ website does not consent endorsement by Army COOL, US Army, or DoD.

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